Member Circles Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join a Circle?

1. Login to your Women Leaders account.
2. Navigate to the Women Leaders main website and click on "For Members”, then click “Member Circles”
3. Click on any Circle page
4. Once in, click “Follow” on the right-hand side 
5. You will now receive email notifications with circle content updates anytime someone posts in the circle

How should I get connected to the Circle and the Circle Leads?

The front page of every Circle lists the Circle Leads and their contact information. You can reach out to Circle Leads directly with any questions. 

How do I connect with other Circle members?

At the bottom of each Circle there is an “Announcement” discussion board page for all members to interact with one another, learn about upcoming calls, share resources and more! Also, you can click the  "Participants"tab which has a list of all the Circle Community participants.

How can I find information about upcoming calls?

Upcoming Circle calls are always posted in the Women Leaders Weekly newsletters, Women Leaders social media platforms, and on the “Events” tab on the Women Leaders main page. Be sure to lookout for announcements from Circle Leads too! 

How do I register for a call?

  1. Login to your Women Leaders account
  2. Navigate to the Women Leaders main website and click on “Events”
  3. Click on the specific call.
  4. Complete the registration process. (It will be free, and you will receive a receipt confirmation).
  5. You will receive the Zoom call-in information 24 hours before and 1 hour before the call.

Can I register for a call in a Circle that I do not follow?

YES – Member Circles is a benefit for ALL Women Leaders members and you can follow however many Circles as you want. You can register for any call by navigating to the “Events” tab on the Women Leaders main page.

Can I join a call without registering?

NO- For each call, registration is required. 

I missed a call that I wanted to be on. Is there a recording?

YES- All calls are recorded and are uploaded into the “Wikis” tab of that specific Circle. 

Have another question or comment? Feel free to email [email protected]