Circle Call: Moms in Athletics

Circle Call: Moms in Athletics
Please join other Women Leaders for the Moms in Athletics 'Life Hacks/ Mom Hacks' call on Wednesday, April 28th at 11am CT/12pm ET. Bring your favorite life hack and learn from other parents on advice to make things easier! This circle call is brought to you by Relation and Mutual of Omaha.

Date/Time: Wednesday, April 28th at 11am CT/12pm ET
Topic: Life Hacks/ Mom Hacks
For additional information of questions: Katreshia Louis-Verrett & Stephanie Dollar

You must login to your Women Leaders member account and register to participate in this call. You will receive an email with call information one day prior to the call.  Registration will end 24-hours before the call date/time.

If you have questions about registration, please contact: [email protected]

*You must be a member to participate in this call. If you are not a member, it will say registration is not available.
Registration not available.

To register, Sign In or Create a New Account